Important Dates and Registration

Important Dates and Registration

Important Dates

Judging of Projects Wednesday, May 5- Sunday, May 16, 2021,

How to Register

Registration and uploading of projects will be done in two steps.

STEP ONE - The Fair committee will contact teachers by email with registration information.

To register your students' projects, you will need the following information:

  • School and teacher information (name of school, and educators' name and email)
  • For each student project you submit, you will need:
  • The project title
  • The project format (video, slide presentation or PDF presentation)
  • The language of the project (if the project is in French, please indicate if it is the first language, immersion early or immersion late)
  • The student's name(s)
  • The student's grade

STEP TWO - Students or teachers will upload the projects from April 19 to May 2, 2021. Details will be sent to teachers.

Student Permission and Media Release Form

Project submissions must also include a Student Permission and Media Release Form, signed by the parent/guardians and student.


Prior to sending in the projects, teachers are asked to check that they have considered each of the following:

  • The online registration form was completed.
  • The Student Permission and Media Release Form has been signed by the parent/guardian and student.
  • If applicable, the Interviewee Authorization Form has been completed and signed by all involved parties (see Interviewee Authorization Form).
  • The images and music used in the presentation (if applicable) are free of rights or permission was obtained for their use.
  • Students have included their name (given name only), a profile photo of themselves, the title of their project, and a summary of their project (300-500 words). This information will be featured on the Fair’s website with a link to the project.
  • Student projects meet the criteria established by the Ottawa Regional Heritage Fair. See Guidelines and Requirements and Project Formats for details.