
Canada’s History Young Citizen Award

Participants make a short video about their heritage fair topic, much like an evening news report or short documentary. 


City of Ottawa Local History Award

The local History award is given to a project discussing Ottawa local history. This award consists of a trophy, which is contributed by the City of Ottawa.


Women’s Canadian Historical Society of Ottawa Award

The Historical Society of Ottawa Award of a certificate and $300 cash prize. This award will be given to a research project about a recognized historic place, person(s), and/or event in the City of Ottawa, which is of local, provincial, and/or national significance. 


Indigenous Sacred Chaudière Falls Award

The Indigenous Sacred Chaudière Falls Award is given for a project that reflects and celebrates Indigenous history, culture and traditions in the Ottawa region, or that looks at the impact of settler colonial policies on Indigenous peoples in the Ottawa region. Award consists of $300 and a certificate. 


Canadian Museum of History Award

 The Canadian Museum of History Award will be presented to the student or group of students whose project has earned the highest overall mark in all categories. 

These include the clarity and organization of the topic, its relevance to Canadian heritage, the originality of the display, the critical interpretation of research data and the historical significance of the project. The award consists of a certificate and a letter entitling the student and their family to a behind-the-scenes tour of the Canadian Museum of History or the Canadian War Museum, as well as a one-year Family Membership to both the Museums. The winners are invited to get in touch with Claudia Bertrand (Special Events Coordinator, Special Events and Partnerships) at or 613-286-5064. She will be pleased to coordinate the special tour and present the award. 

Breathtaking setting. Majestic architecture. Fascinating exhibitions.

The Canadian Museum of History explores this country’s rich cultural heritage, including the outstanding achievements of First Peoples. Located in the heart of the National Capital Region, the Museum, designed by Canadian architect Douglas Cardinal, is a true architectural gem. The Museum’s principal role is to enhance Canadians’ knowledge, understanding and appreciation of the events, experiences, people and objects that have shaped Canada’s history and identity, as well as to enhance Canadians’ awareness of world history and culture. 


Fascinating architecture. Touching stories. World-class exhibitions. 

The Canadian War Museum is Canada’s national museum of military history and one of the world’s most respected museums for the study and understanding of armed conflict. The Museum’s galleries and special exhibitions promote public understanding of Canada’s rich military history in its personal, national and international dimensions, showcased through artifacts, personal stories, artwork, photos and interactive presentations. 


Friends of the Canadian War Museum Award

The Friends of the Canadian War Museum is offering two prizes of $100 each for project which relates to a specific event or aspect of Canada’s military history to the present day. One prize of $100 will be awarded for an English project and a second prize of $100 for a French project. The two prize winners will also be given a one year’s membership in the Friends of the Canadian War Museum organization. The names and photos of the prize winners, together with a description of their projects, will be published in the Friends’ newsletter The Torch and e-bulletin, as well as on the Friends website. 


Heritage Ottawa Award

This award of a certificate and $100 cash prize will be given to a research project about a recognized historic place in the City of Ottawa, which is of local, provincial, and/or national significance. An historic place, according to Canada’s Historic Places, is a “structure, building, group of buildings, district, landscape, archaeological site or other place that has been formally recognized for its heritage value by an appropriate authority within a jurisdiction.” There are over 450 places in Ottawa currently listed in the Canadian Register, a searchable database, on 


Pinhey’s Point Foundation Award for Local History

The Pinhey’s Point Foundation Award for Local History includes a cash prize of $100. The award is given for a local history project concerning the former Carleton County. The townships which formed Carleton County now are part of the larger city of Ottawa. The townships are Fitzroy, Gloucester, Goulbourn, Huntley, March, Marlborough, Nepean, North Gower, Osgoode and Torbolton. Use of the research resources of local archives, libraries, museums or historical societies is to be documented. 


Ottawa Museum Network (OMN) Award

The Ottawa Museum Network (OMN) is a professional network supporting and helping to sustain Ottawa’s small community and city museums. The OMN Award consists of a $100 prize and a certificate. This award will be given to an individual or team research project that highlights the people, stories, villages, buildings, spaces and/or artifacts connected to any of the OMN’s 12 member-museums: Billings Estate National Historic Site, Bytown Museum, Cumberland Heritage Village Museum, Dickinson House, Diefenbunker: Canada’s Cold War Museum, Fairfields Heritage House, Goulbourn Museum, Nepean Museum, Osgoode Township Museum, Pinhey’s Point Historic Site, Vanier Muséoparc, and Watson’s Mill. 


Website: Ottawa Museum and Archives Collection

The Township of Cumberland Historical Society Award

Two awards, each consisting of a $100 cash prize, will be given to two research projects about significant sites, historical events or themes that have impacted the Township of Cumberland. Project themes could include: historical or heritage buildings or sites; the evolution of the methods of farming – antique implements to modern machinery; one-room school houses; arrival of the telephone and electricity in the township; impact of solar panels and windmills in rural areas; impact of the exodus of the farmers’ children from the family farm; history and modernization of the production of maple syrup; construction of rural farms and bridges; and the various “ghost” hamlets and villages throughout the township of Cumberland. 


Capital Heritage Connexion Award

The Capital Heritage Connexion (CHC) Award includes a prize of $100 to be awarded to a project in English, and a prize of $100 to be awarded to a project in French. The award recognizes a project that focuses on the Capital’s heritage and that contains a bibliography indicating sources (interviews, archival material, primary sources etc.) from an organization supported by the CHC. 


The National Capital Commission Heritage Award

The National Capital Commission (NCC) Heritage Award includes two $100 prizes (one for the best French presentation, and one for the best English presentation). A certificate is also awarded to the student with the most exemplary project on a theme related to Canada’s Capital Region. The project can interpret various aspects of Canadian heritage, tangible or intangible, with aesthetic, historic, scientific, cultural, social or spiritual importance for past, present and future generations. 

The Workers’ History Museum (WHM) Award 

The WHM will award a certificate and $100 cash prize to a labour history project. Projects should deal with the history of work, workers or workers’ organizations.  They may examine agriculture, communications, construction, education, energy, factories, government, health care, high-tech, manufacturing, mills, recreation, resources, retail, tourism, transport, etc. and all workers, including women, unionized, non-union, marginalized, immigrant and indigenous workers.

British Isles Family History Society of Greater Ottawa (BIFHSGO) Award

The BIFHSGO award will recognize a project highlighting the history of a family or family member of British Isles ancestry. In addition to the prize of $100, the winner will be given a certificate, a one-year membership in BIFHSGO, and the opportunity to present their work at a monthly BIFHSGO meeting.

The British Isles Family History Society of Greater Ottawa (BIFHSGO) is the leading Canadian family history society with a focus on the British Isles.  We are recognized in Canada, the United States, and internationally for connecting like-minded researchers to learn effective, trusted research methods and best practices, to share knowledge, and to inspire other family historians with our presentations and publications. 

BIFHSGO’s website includes a Name Index, which allows researchers to search, by name and category, thousands of records compiled by our volunteers. All are available to the public. The three main categories are home children, military, and migration records. Work on these records continues, particularly in the largest category – home children – and new records will be added in the coming year. 

BIFHSGO always welcomes visitors and new members.  To learn more about the Society, please visit our website at

Canada’s History Social Justice Award

For a project that highlights a person in Canadian history who dedicated their time and energies to advocate for one or more social issues, or for a story of a Canadian social justice movement. 

Ontario Heritage Fairs Association (OHFA) Awards

Founders’ Award

In recognition of exceptional enthusiasm and dedication to history and heritage. The award: a certificate and a medal. 

First Nations, Métis and Inuit Award

In recognition of a project that focusses on the history and stories of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit in Canada. The award: a certificate and a medal. 

Multicultural History Society of Ontario Award

In recognition of extraordinary student achievement in research exploring the diverse cultures in Ontario and Canada. The award: a certificate and a book. 


Archives of Ontario Award

In recognition of outstanding student achievement for the best use of original records related to Ontario History. The award: a certificate and a print. 


Ontario Historical Society Award

In recognition of outstanding student achievement for research of Ontario’s History. The award: a certificate and a ribbon. 


Ontario Ancestors Award

In recognition of a project that relates to the student’s family history, or the family history of a prominent Ontarian or Canadian citizen. The award: a certificate, a letter, a pamphlet “Starting Your Family History” and a map of Ontario. 


Ontario Historical Society Reading and Remembering Award

In recognition of a project with a remembrance-based theme. This might include military, wartime, or peacekeeping elements. The award: a certificate and a ribbon. 

Ontario Women’s History Network Award

In recognition of a project with a primary focus on women in Canadian History. The award: a certificate and a book. 

The Ontario Library Association Research Award 

In recognition of a project that demonstrates good inquiry techniques using a range of resources in a variety of formats. The award: a certificate and a medal. 


Ontario Human Rights Commission Award 

In recognition of student achievement demonstrating the history, impact and fostering of human rights culture in Ontario. The award: a certificate, a medal and promotional items. 


Ontario Historical Thinking Award

In recognition of student achievement that demonstrates outstanding ability to think critically using historical thinking. The award: a certificate and a medal. 

Ontario Heritage Fairs Association Executive Award in Honour of Wayne Hugli

In recognition of a class and teacher that have displayed excellence and enthusiasm in the creation of their projects. The award: a monetary award, a certificate and a letter.