Students can use on-camera interviews and music to accompany their presentation.·
Before including images or music, students must check to see if there is a copyright. If someone owns the images or music, students must get their permission to use it. If they have permission, proof of permission must be included when submitting the project.·
There are also copyright-free images that can be used. Many historical images no longer have a copyright, which means that nobody owns the copyright and students are free to use the image without asking permission. These images are also said to be in the public domain.
For both copyrighted and non-copyrighted images, credit sources should still be indicated so that people know from where they originate. These can be added with the images or can be included in the end credits of the presentation.·
There are some websites that have copyright free music, and some can also be purchased through iStock. Purchasing a song through iTunes does not give the student permission to use the song.